Premier Colors are materials that craftsmen use each day in decorative concrete installation. It is our goal to provide installers and hardscape designers with reliable, high quality materials that will achieve flawless results with every project. We constantly add new items to the product line and are committed to offering only premium quality materials.

Our excellent product line is a natural extension of the expertise we gained over the past two decades in the decorative concrete industry.

Premier Colors produces a full line of professional quality decorative concrete products:

  • concrete sealers (solvent- and water-based)
  • epoxies
  • polyaspartic coatings and floor wax
  • bubble gum liquid release agent
  • concrete stains, dyes, and colored sealers
  • concrete countertop forms and accessories
  • color hardener and antique release agent
  • Repair & Restoration Materials

Premier Colors field tests every product, and our team is extremely particular about the materials we introduce and promote under our product label. Premier Colors is committed to bringing you only the highest quality professional products.